This week, commencing on Wednesday, 6 March 2013 the High
Court will hear argument in Fortescue Metals Group Ltd v Commonwealth, the challenge by Andrew Forrest to the
Commonwealth’s Mineral Resources Rent Tax, more common known as the Mining Tax.
The Fortescue Group raises four
different grounds for challenging the Mining Tax:
First, it is a law with respect to taxation that discriminates
between States contrary to section 51(ii) of the Constitution;
Second, it is a law or regulation of trade, commerce or revenue
that gives preference to one State over another, contrary to section 99 of the
Third, it is a law that contravenes the Melbourne Corporation doctrine in that it interferes with or
curtails in a substantial manner the exercise by a State of its constitutional
Fourth, to the extent the Mining Tax applies in respect of iron
ore, it contravenes section 91 of the Constitution which preserves (it is said)
the right of a State to provide aid to or a bounty on the mining or, inter
alia, metals.
One feature of the Mining Tax as
ultimately enacted is the way in which State mining royalties are treated for
the purposes of determining the amount of Mining Tax payable. The Mining Tax is payable on the miner’s
“mining profit” after deducting from such mining profit the amount of the
miner’s “MRRT allowances”. The mining
profit is, as might be expected, the difference between “mining revenue” and
“mining expenditure”. The “MRRT
allowances” include State royalties. In
this way, in a State where the miner pays a higher royalty, the amount on which
the Mining Tax is levied is correspondingly reduced and a lower amount of
Mining Tax is payable. Conversely, in a
State with a lower royalty payable, a higher amount of Mining Tax is payable.
The arguments raised by Fortescue
Metals Group that rely upon discrimination are based upon the proposition that
a miner’s actual liability to pay the Mining Tax will vary from State to State,
depending upon the royalty payable in each State. However if this amounted to prohibited
discrimination, then it would potentially have the effect that all income tax in
its current form would be prohibited, because income for taxation purposes is
ordinarily net of various imposts that vary from State to State (such as
payroll tax and stamp duty). This has
never been thought to amount to discrimination.
The arguments based on section 91
of the Constitution (the bounties provision) are based on the proposition that
a State cannot reduce or give a concession on the royalty rate payable by a
miner in order to assist production, because any such reduction or concession
will result in a corresponding increase in the Mining Tax, effectively
neutralising the State assistance. As
discussed below, that is hardly a realistic concern given the current State
royalty environment. But more
fundamentally, section 91 is a carve-out from the operation of other provisions
of the Constitution that would prohibit the grant of aid and of bounties to
assist mining activities (in particular section 90 - which prohibits the States
from levying excise and providing bounties, and perhaps section 92 - which
requires freedom of interstate trade and commerce), and does not seem to be a
prohibition on the exercise of Commonwealth legislative power.
The arguments based the Melbourne Corporation doctrine are to
some extent dependent upon the States’ effective inability to use royalty rates
as the economic levers by which a State stimulates its economy and provides for
the development of its mineral resources and, importantly, the associated infrastructure
and facilities that benefit not only the miners but the State community as a
whole. However, with very limited exceptions reduction in royalties seems to be
a throwback to the past, as the States have (understandably, given the
resources boom) been content to reap the benefits of their royalty regimes and
have not regarded the miners as entities requiring assistance. The Melbourne Corporation arguments go
further and suggest that historically, and Constitutionally, the States’
control and management of its waste lands (including the minerals therein) are
inherent features of the very existence of the States, and the Mining Tax
interferes with that control to such an extent as to be invalid. If this sounds like “reserved powers redux”,
that’s probably because it is.
In any event, the High Court has
in recent times been highly unpredictable when it comes to what has hitherto
been considered constitutional orthodoxy, particularly in the revenue and
spending powers of the Commonwealth. Only
time will tell whether there is another rabbit in the hat. In a case being argued by a Queenslander
(David Jackson QC) before a bench led by a West Australian (Robert French) with
a new intellectual powerhouse in its ranks, also from Queensland (Patrick
Keane), it will be interesting to see how the cards ultimately fall.